Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Here goes nothing!!!!!!

well here it is folks. i finally got off my butt and made a blog and actually posted something onto it. i am suspecting that if you are reading this then you know me so i won't go into all the details of who i am although if you don't know me you can read a little bit about me in my oh "about me" section, imagine that. if i haven't talked to you in a while (Elisha) you wouldn't know that my husband and i are kind of in the middle of some big decisions right now. we are waiting on word from the VA to see if they are going to pay for him to go to school or not and we are also trying to figure out if and when we will move back to AZ. i'm sure you probably know all of this already but the thing that throws all of this out of control is the fact that Josue's job in the guard is going away and he might have to pick a new job which would mean that he has to go to tech school again. this means he might be gone for three to four months and it is questionable whether he would be back in time to start the fall semester of school. on top of this we need to sell our house for him to go to school. crazy i know. i don't even know if this makes any sense to anyone else. oh well anyways i gotta go but please leave me your comments and love. love you all.

1 comment:

Macks and Knickknacks said...

YEA, DEBRA!! You posted on your blog! And it looks very good, I might add. That is some very crazy decision making that you guys have to make. Is it a for sure thing that you are moving to Arizona? I miss you and will see you in a couple days!