Sunday, April 13, 2008

What to blog about???

So I am a little confused about this whole blog thing. Obviously I have never done this before and as you can tell I am a little clueless. I think that somebody needs to comment to me and tell me something that they would like to know about me, my life, or whatever. Any takers out there??? Anyways while I'm waiting on that I will just give you an appetizer. As some of you may know my little family just went to AZ for a wedding where my hubby was the best man. He is the best man isn't he?? Just kiddin, anyways we had a lot of fun and also were amazed at the things people value. For example an extravagant wedding. It was amazing. It was held at a catholic church in downtown Phoenix and it a lot of stain glass and very high ceilings. It was like something you would see in a movie, just beautiful. Dinner was also a big treat, we had prime rib and salmon. YUMMY!!! We had a great time and met some fun people. We danced the night away with no baby. Sorry if this is boring I just don't know how this works like I said before. Well I guess that's about all I have for you right now but hopefully I will hear from someone and I can give you what you want. Love you all and miss you Elisha and Amber. Here's a picture of my hubby and I at the reception.


Cortney said...

You are doing great at blogging. Mostly it is just random things that if you don't unload, you may explode! Just kidding. It's really a way for us to keep up with eachother. Keep up the good work.

Katie Glathar said...

Very nice picture!

Ali Brown said...

I agree with Cortney...that was a perfect blog...hahaha..I almost wrote bog.

Anonymous said...

Elisha not knowing that Amber was moving is because Amber is a big DORK! and, blogging is just a glorified way for me to be nosey!