Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stressing Out!

Hi friends. I am writing today to vent. My husband applied and interviewed for a job recently and we found out today he didn't get it. Very disappointed. If you don't know anything about the past few years of our life you wouldn't know that my husband has gone from job to job about every six months. We never really know what is next. This job he applied for was going to relieve some of that stress because it was going to be for at least four years. Last semester he was a full time student and didn't work because we lived with our friends and then I worked for a couple months to provide insurance. It's a whole different story now. I am pregnant our bills went up considerably with moving out of the Flemings and now things are getting a little uncomfortable for me. Anyways I am just kind of sad I was looking forward to things being a little bit easier for a while, but obviously God has a different plan for us. My heart just comes back to Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Thanks God for having a plan for our lives. Hopefully we will figure out what that is soon considering school for Josue starts in about two weeks and he will have to find a job before then. Please be praying for us that we will get all of this figured out here pretty quick. Thanks for listening to me ramble and be stressed out.


Cristen said...

I hear you Debra... Rich and I went for all these ups and downs for many years before we got to our current place and we are doing well but struggling... hang in there and remember that God will not give you more than you can handle, he sees how big your plate is and when it is full it is full...
Love you

Katie Glathar said...

I love you Debra! I am praying for you. Maybe we can talk soon.