Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I love friends! They are great. Elisha I haven't talked to you in a while and I still can't help but know that you are one of the best friends I will ever have. I love you and miss you. Elisha is the friend that you hope you keep for a lifetime. Nicole Mcadam is another friend I have. She is such an encouragement to me all the time. When I am working out, parenting, serving, I just really enjoy being around her. Rachel Swanson is my funny friend. She is always making me laugh and smile. Katie is my thoughtful friend. She is always sharing some important advice or info with me. Christel is my lovable friend. Always giving me hugs and motherly advice. Well there are so many more to mention I just couldn't possibly do it and I don't have time. BABY IS AWAKE! Love you guys.


Macks and Knickknacks said...

WOW. Thank you Debra! You just made me cry! I don't mean thanks for making me cry, I mean thank you, thank you!

You are so amazing Debra! I feel so special that I've gotten to "grow up" with you for the last 5 years. Not only have I watched you grow in spiritual maturity, but it feels like you've been right beside me my whole life. OK. I'm crying again. I love you, Debra.

. said...

Doobs, you are great. Can I be your "blogger" friend?

Christel louise said...

Thanks Debra I like to hug you too.