Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am sooooo excited for this season. I love the parties, the food, the family and friends, the shopping, the giving, and just the overall feel of winter. I would have to say it is my favorite time of year. Another reason I am very excited is because this is the first Christmas that my daughter will actually have a clue what is going on. I can't wait to see her face when she opens all of her gifts. I am also thrilled that there is finally snow here in Great Falls. I didn't think it was ever going to come. I took some pictures of Ellie playing with her friend Sarah in the snow. Hope you enjoy. Oh how could I forget that I love the music. It is my favorite. If you could only feel what I feel right now. Elisha I am sure you feel it too. I want to know, WHO ELSE FEELS IT??? I want to know. Please Blog about your Chistmas season joy or if it's not so joyful I would love to hear about it as well. Send me a message and let me know when you do. Love you all. Have a great Christmas if I don't talk to you. And don't eat too much.


Macks and Knickknacks said...

Hurray for Christmas!
Hurray for snow!
Hurray for family!
Hurray for friends!
Hurray for this time that we can celebrate for so many reasons that I can't even name.
And yes Debra, I feel it from the ends of my hair to the tips of my toes. And sometimes I'm so full of this joy that it makes me cry. Like right now. And I miss you right now.
I love you Debra.
Love, Elisha
(I will blog about this tomorrow I think.)

Christel louise said...

Yes this is the funnest season of all. Even when you are so busy you can't even think straight, this is the time of celebrating God and what he has given us. It all makes me so happy that I could burst. Oh, the business is slowing a little yeah!