Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Big Owieeee!!!

Not sure if I spelled that right but whatever. You know what I mean. Eliana got hurt. Really hurt. And I bet you are wondering how. Well, like any good daddy Josue was playing with his baby girl. Chasing her from here to there, oh and lots of tickling of course. Fun stuff like that. And then it happened. So Josue thinks it's fun to toss Ellie onto the couch and bed and she really enjoys it as well. But apparently her arm was not suppose to land first. She only cried for a few minutes and then went on playing as normal. The only problem was that when she would try to get up from the floor she would just cry and ask for help. I didn't really think it was much so I gave it a day since I was taking her for her well baby check up the next day anyways. The doctor checked it out and discovered that she couldn't straighten her arm all the way so she sent her to have x-rays taken. The doctor was pretty sure that she fractured her elbow but she was waiting for word back from some big wigs or something. We waited for a couple hours to hear that we had to come back and get a cast. It was very sad to think that my little girl was not going to be able to use her arm. Needless to say she is adjusting very well and it doesn't seem to really bother her. She is doing great and we are just beginning our fun vacation in very warm AZ so hopefully everything is going well with everyone else and hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Love you guys.


Anonymous said...

Oh poor little Eliana! Shes so sweet. I hope Josue doesn't feel bad, accidents happen! Enjoy the warm weather and seeing the family. Have a merry christmas!

Macks and Knickknacks said...

I hope you are having fun on your vacation and that you will come back home! I heard about Eliana's arm and I hope it heals perfectly and quickly. I love you and miss you Debra. We need to do some hard core hanging out!